Friday, December 16, 2005

Me niego a... // I refuse to...

Me niego a perder, no un partido, no unos dardos o una partida de billar, eso no importa en el fondo. Me niego a perder con la vida. No me dejaré vencer. Me niego a renunciar a esos momentos que me reconfortan, ese paseo por las noches con el perro, esas escapadas a la Sierra, cada vez más escasas, esas canciones que me emocionan, esos grupos nuevos día tras día, esos partidos con el Rakiss, la ilusión que siento por mi futuro, porque ¡¡lo hay!!. No quiero que nadie me quite eso, porque me quitarían la vida. ¿Qué sería de mí sin esos momentos? Aún hay Esperanza.

I refuse to lose, not a match, not playing darts, or a
billiards game, that doesn't matter deep down. I refuse to lose against life. I will not let it defeat me. I refuse to renounce to that moments that make me feel better, that walk with my dog at night, that escapes to the mountain rage near Madrid, less common every time, that songs that touch me inside, that new bands day by day, that matches with the Rakiss, the illusion I feel for my future, because It exists!!!, I don't want anybody taking away from me that, because it would take my life. What would I be without that moments? There is still Hope.

¡Buenas noches! Good Night! Hyvää yötä!

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