Saturday, December 29, 2007


Una puñetera vergüenza que tengamos que aguantar esto en un pais que se supone esta desarrollado y que presumne de tener el mejor metro de Europa y uno de los mejores del mundo entero. Pinchad aquí y observad como se las gastan algunos.

No niego a nadie el derecho a hacer huelga. No niego que se proteste para alcanzar mejores condiciones economicas. Pero que se tome el pelo de esta manera a los usuarios del metro, costando lo que cuesta el servicio, y, por qué no decirlo, sin que nos importe un carajo el sueldo de estos trabajadores. En fin. La pena es que conseguiran el aumento de sueldo o lo que pidan, los muy miserables. Me pregunto que haría el metro si decidieramos no pagar, porque el servicio que se nos ofrece no es el adecuado ni mucho menos. En fin, mientras en España siga habiendo este tipo de gentuza, así nos irá.


For those who have not had the pleasure of visit the marvelous city that Madrid is, nowadays there is an embarrassing strike that makes us feel as being in the Third World. A city that considers itself to have the best subway in the entire Europe can not bear this conditions. Please, follow the link and press play, although it is in Spanish, there can be clearly seen that some people are throwing garbage on purpose in the subway, in order to make the conditions of dirtiness worst. Click here and judge yourselves.

I do not deny anybody the right to go on strike, or to ask for better working conditions, but laughing at us , cheating on us, fooling us in this way is one of the worst things a man can do. The worst thing is that they will probably reach what they have asked for, more money or whatever. A shame. I can not understand that in the XXI century there are still people acting like this and maybe even feeling proud of what they do. Why us, who pay a very expensive service, have to bear this people, if we do not care about their payment or about them?
Yes, meanwhile this kind of riffraff still exists in Spain, we will have proportional consequences.

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