Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Life is as a supermarket

The moment you get in the supermarket is equivalent to when you are born. Then, life offers you different options, depending on the supermarket you are born at, and you choose or you are forced to choose what to buy- what to live. Once in the queue to pay what you have bought, you -again- can choose what cash desk you want your stuff to be paid at. This is like choosing your path in life, it will all lead to the same end -death=exit- but, depending on what cash desk you choose, you will reach the exit sooner, later, in a more successful manner, or in the most unnoticed. Sometimes you change the line because you believe the one you are moving to is going to be better - faster- and then you might find you were right and you have made the right choice for your purpose. Other occasions, you find that the checkout line you were in is faster and you realize that you have made the wrong choice, and that it is impossible to return. Anyway, make the right decision when choosing the line is essential in the duration of the path to reach the exit. I would not say that you must not change the queue if you are not satisfied with the cashier, neither would I say that you must change to another line or that you should leave without paying. It depends on you.

El momento de entrar en el supermercado es equivalente a cuando se nace. Entonces, la vida te ofrece opciones diferentes, dependiendo del supermercado en el que has nacido, y escoges o te fuerzan a escoger qué comprar - qué vivir. Una vez en la cola para pagar lo que has comprado, - otra-vez - puedes escoger en que caja quieres que tu compra sea pagada. Esto se parece al escogimiento de tu camino en la vida, esto conducirá todo al mismo final-la muerte=salida-, pero, dependiendo de la caja que escojas, alcanzarás la salida más pronto, más tarde, en una manera más acertada, o de lamás inadvertida. A veces cambias de cola porque crees el que será mejor - más rápida - y luego usted podría encontrar que tienes razón y has elegido la opción correcta para tu objetivo. Otras ocasiones, encuentras que la cola que estabas es más rápida y usted comprende que has elegido la opción incorrecta, y que es imposible volver.
De todos modos, escoger la decisión correcta al elegir la línea es esencial en la duración del camino para alcanzar la salida. Yo no diría que no se debas cambiar a otra cola si estas satisfecho con el cajero, tampoco digo que te cambies a otra cola o que deberías marcharte sin pagar. Esto depende de tí.


chari said...

Si la vida es un supermercado Cómo q no hay q irse sin pagar????? hay q llegar cion un abrigo lleno de bolsillos ocultos para poder introducir en ellos lo q más vas a disfrutar cuando salgas!!! jejeje
tengo un pasado (bueno y un medio-presente)cleptómano en grandes superficies...q le voy a hacer!!!
Chari(aka warrona ryder :P)

Kalla said...

I don't want to wait in line. The only option I can think of is leave things were you are and exit.. Suicide.

Viktor said...

Better change line and it will be better. Or just hang around the supermarket and maybe you'll find someone beautiful, or another exit, or ... who knows...
In my supermarket it is not allowed to get out before you buy something. There is always something to buy in a supermarket.
Who are you actually?? Piia... N, my friend, Helsinkilainen nyt Tamperelainen??

Viktor said...

And if you don't want to wait in line, is because you are a coward.. if fact you can wait inside until they call you because it is closing..... or because someone is waiting you outside.... ;)