Sunday, April 16, 2006 most of the time I am deeply thinking....

Just back from meeting my friends, like every single weekend, how much do I love them!!! Currently listening to new Poets of the Fall cd...
On my way back home I have been walking something like 20 minutes, alone, and, of course, this means that I have plenty of time to think about important things, mainly, my future. I have discovered, or just unfolded, that I would go almost anywhere in the world if I could, to work in a field that I like. I suppose I am getting frustrated because now I know what do I want to do in life and what do I am, a Scientist, and a person who would like to leave a footprint here, in planet Earth, but I am not working and I am afraid of becoming a person who will not work in a place that he likes and in a place where he will not use his brain and creativity.
Also, a wish: work mainly in Scandinavia, Helsinki, or Norway, why not, I am bound to those places already, so why not coming back?
I am afrad, why? Of being considered old to research, being denied in grants applications because there are many more younger people trying to get into Science...I am not afraid of anything else except that, being considered "not worth" because of age, previous experience, etc.
I am just asking for an opportunity, and I will demonstrate how worth I am....
Difficult times, but I will be allright... I must!!!!!

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