Thursday, April 27, 2006

Music Therapy

A couple of days ago, I was reading "El País" and I found an interesting news. Of course, I read the whole article, and I thought to make a comment, at least, in my blog.
It says like this: "Musicaltherapy in postoperatory". It seems that somebody has done a research study about the effect of Music in people who was operated recently, and a review has been published in one of the most important magazines of Medicine: "The Cochrane Library".
Patients who listened to music, compared to those who did not, complaint much less aout pain after the operations, says the article.
Science has not yet discovered the mechanism or mechanisms through which Music relieve pain, but distraction or relaxation can contribute to it.
You can read the press article here (in spanish) or here (in english).

Session of Music Theraphy in a Hospital

In my personal opinion, this a great news, and, well, why unsdiscovered or unfolded until now? I think everybody believes in that the recovery from a disesase, specially if you have to stay at a Hospital (horrible places, by the way) depends a lot on the personal state of mind of the patient. So, Music, as I truly think that can lead you into a state of absolute calm and/or happiness, should help out in the, sometimes diffcult, recovery.
For me, Music is deeply connected with persons and their state of being, and it is a way of interchange "vital energy", so, people can get high or down with it. I think that part of the composer stays "inside" the song forever, it is like a "mark". Part of their soul, perhaps, goes away with the song, and part of our state of mind. Then, even some of the listeners could take or leave their part in the song, take away the pain or sorrow... Who hasn't listened to a song and believed that takes something out of him/her, or gives him/her the courage to face life again? I have felt if only me and the song existed, and nothing was more important than that.
I want to believe.

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