Saturday, May 05, 2007


Este lugar está considerada como la postal típica de Finlandia, la vista de Koli, el punto mas alto del sur de Finlandia, no supera los 400 metros, pero no le hace falta mas para ser un sitio de visita obligada si estás cerca. Impresionante. Aún no puedo colgar fotos mejores, porque olvide el software de la cámara, pero mietras tanto tengo ésta que podeis ver mas abajo. Había oido cosas de este sitio, pero hasta que no lo ves no sabes que puedes esperar. Aqui está, señoras y señores: Koli, (con un ser humano estorbando la vista).

This place is considered to be the typical postcard of Finland, Koli's sight, the highest point of the southern Finland, it does not overcome 400 meters, but it does not need more to be a place of obliged visit if you are nearby. Impressive. I cannot upload better photos yet, because I forgot the software of the camera, but, meanwhile, I have this one you can see at the top of this text. I had heard opinions about this place, but until you do not see it, you do not know what can you expect. Here it is, ladies and gentlemen: Koli, (with a human being hindering the sight).

1 comment:

Kaijsa said...

It's very pretty. I wish I had spent more time in Finland so I could see more than just Helsinki.