Wednesday, January 10, 2007

January the 10th will always be special

Hoy es 10 de enero. Este día siempre será especial porque un diez de enero de 2005 me encaminaba a Finlandia para mi primer trabajo serio y relacionado con mi trabajo. He recordado ese día como si fuera ayer, lo que hice el anterior, como me despedí de la gente y a quién conocí esa fecha.
Y quién me iba a decir que dos años después iba a estar etiquetando zapatos en un curro que no me importa lo más mínimo. In it for the money.
Y valiente y afortunado quien tenga una ocupacion diaria que le guste y que disfrute con ella. Espero que sea yo el elegido dentro de poco. Prometo no volver a quejarme para ir a trabajar.

English version

Today is January, the 10th. this date will be important the rest of my life because a january the 10th 2005 I left Madrid to go to Finland, to work in my first serious and related to my studies job. I have remembered that day as if it were yesterday, who I met, what I did the previous day and how I said goodbye.
And who could have told me that 2 years later I would be ordering and labelling some shoes in a job that I do give a f**k about. In in for the money, I may say. Yes!
Brave and lucky those who have a job that like and enjoy.
I hope I will be the chosen one soon. I promise not to complain anymore when I will have to go to work.

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